The Benefits of Working with Disaster Recovery Experts
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The Benefits of Working with Disaster Recovery Experts

Did you know there are tremendous benefits associated with creatingand maintaining a great Disaster Recovery (DR) solution? I can confidently saythat a solid DR plan can contribute to the following benefits for bothcompanies and individuals:

  • Reduced costs
  • Reduced levels of stress
  • Be a superhero to your colleagues

We are seeing an increase in companies of all sizes beginning to understand the importance of creating and maintaining a business continuity plan in case of a physical or logical disaster. In this blog, we concentrate specifically on the Disaster Recovery component of your business continuity plan. In summary, Disaster Recovery allows companies to quickly resume their critical operations with little to no disruption in the event of a disaster. This needs to be done in the most effective manner possible. It's even easier when working with experts.

How Companies plan for a Disaster Recovery Scenario

Depending on the Restore Time Objective (RTO) and Restore Point Objective (RPO), companies build and maintain a plan to ensure the operations resume as quickly as possible. These are usually based on Service Level Requirements the business has put in place.

In today's technology-based society, every company in today’s world has mission-critical applications and services which need to service a business function 24/7 365 days per year. This function could be Human Resources application, Finance / Accounting, Supply chain management, etc. Identifying those applications is the easy part. However, keeping them up and running in the event of a disaster, is not always trivial.

DR sites are part of a business continuity plan in the event that your primary location or critical systems become inaccessible due to an unplanned event or outage and in some cases a data breach. If disaster strikes, your DR site will allow company operations to continue running until it becomes safe to resume work at its original location or at a new location.

Disaster Recovery: InHouse or External?

Many companies struggle to determine the most optimal way to support their disaster recovery plan. Over the last decade with the advent of cloud and external co-location / hosting facilities, companies have more options. They can choose to build and maintain a site internally, build one in the cloud, or engage a 3rd party to help with their DR strategy. In other words, partner with Disaster Recovery experts.

The costs associated with having a building and maintaining a secondary site solely for replication purposes could get very expensive, quickly.

For example, here are some of the costs associated with hosting & maintaining a secondary site:

  • Servers, infrastructure & equipment
  • Real Estate to house the equipment
  • Telecommunications
  • Operations Staff
  • Testing time to ensure that your failover equipment and infrastructure time is working as planned

Why replicating to an external partner like Assurance IT is more effective

We told you earlier, that an effective DR plan can help you reduce costs, reduce stress, and make you a superhero.

Based on client success stories over the last ten years, here are some of the ways we have helped organizations:

  • Fewer infrastructure costs
  • Access to Disaster Recovery specialists
  • Recovery tests are shared responsibility between client and provider
  • Dynamic environments allow clients to scale up / down based on their business needs

Assurance IT carefully tailors a solution that fits both your business needs and budget. These two components are equally important knowing that planning for disaster is not an area you want to be cutting corners. Working with businesses of all sizes, our white-glove personalized approach leverages Veeam’s Cloud Connect technology to create a robust, comprehensible, flexible, and affordable disaster recovery solution.

When working with Assurance IT, you will:

  • Leverage industry-leading backup & replication software with Veeam
  • Have access to disaster recovery experts with 20+ years of DR planning and execution
  • Have flexible, white-glove service to satisfy your business requirements and ensure your business is safe in case of a disaster
  • Build block methodology to ensure we protect what’s important to you without breaking the bank
  • Not need to replicate all VMs, only the critical ones

In conclusion, having a disaster recovery plan is essential. And the process can be easier with disaster recovery experts. Get started, today.  Contact Assurance IT.


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